Chemical Peels

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Chemical Peels are topical serums made up of specific acids and ingredients to target different skin concerns. They increase exfoliation of the skin by breaking down dead skin cell build-up to promote a healthy oil flow and removal of unwanted congestion. 

Our targeted peels are specifically formulated to strengthen, hydrate or decongest. They are progressive, and some will cause peeling due to their thorough exfoliating action, whilst others are hydrating to smooth and plump the skin.

While chemical peels are better suited to fair skin tones, there are certain peels that can be used to treat darker skin tones too.

Chemical peels are used to treat wrinkles, discolored skin and scars — usually on the face. They can be done alone or combined with other cosmetic procedures. And they can be done at different depths, from light to deep. Deeper chemical peels offer more-dramatic results but also take longer to recover from.

Oxygen Skin Regenerative Peel - This unique one of a kind oxygenating peel formulation releases bio-oxygen power aiding inner-cellular diffusion and the benefits of lactic acid for cell regeneration revealing baby smooth, youthful looking skin. Oxygen Skin Regenerating Peel breathes back a youthful life to hypoxic, dull, tired, damaged skin cells. Rich in arabinogalactans derived from botanical plants, skin will brighten, firm, tone and immediately glow with health. - 

Salicylic Acid Peel - This BHA salicylic peel results in deep pore purification, exfoliation and potent anti-inflammatory activity. -

Jessner Peel- This concentrated blend of lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol works synergistically to quickly and effectively reduce the appearance of advanced aging, pigmentation and acne. This extra strength treatment reveals a younger you in a single treatment. Ideal for: Advanced aging, pigmentation, acne. - 

5 Berry Pigment Control Peel - This potent TCA and antioxidant peel is the perfect solution for photo-aging, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and acne. 5-Berry Pigment Control Peel combines 7% TCA and the reparative, protective, and anti-aging benefits of 5 natural berries: cranberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, and bearberry. Colorblind making it safe for all Fitzpatricks.

Vitamin A Power Peel - Achieve strong exfoliation and resurfacing with 10% TCA, 10% Glycolic and 5% Retinol. This formula is excellent for Improving fine lines, wrinkles and lift hyperpigmentation. Boost collagen and elastin while fighting MMPs (destroy collagen and elastin) for brighter, tighter skin. 

TCA Peel -  The Gold Standard of Peeling! This 15% solution of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and powerful natural tyrosinase inhibitors is renowned for its results in treating, correcting, and controlling pigmentation, wrinkles, and acne. The potent antioxidants vitamin E and retinyl palmitate, in combination with TCA, provide unparalleled results in safe and controlled skin Peeling. Colorblind making it safe for all fitzpatricks. -

Defying Enzyme Peel
 - YOUTH Firm® Age Defying Peel harnesses an exclusive formulation with a 30% Protease Enzyme engineered to mimic the skin’s own naturally occurring Cathepsin-D. This aids in the facilitating AHA peel results without the wounding. A great peel year round as it has been proven in-clinic to produce less than 5% photosensitivity. - 

Intense Antioxidant Exfoliator - This pumpkin and papain enzyme exfoliator contains 5% lactic acid to provide a gentle but accelerated exfoliation. This antioxidant-packed formula is also enhanced with an active collagen-inducing peptide to keep skin active. Ideal for restoring skin hydration, tone, and firmness. 

AHA Active Exfoliator - Combining the benefits of lactic and salicylic acid.(Mild aging, acne, pigmentation) -

Power Glycolic Peel - Give your skin an instant boost of radiance. This powerful 20% glycolic acid resurfacing treatment helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, uneven skin texture and other signs of aging. -  

Sensitive Skin Peel - Formulated with niacin, lactic acid, and usnic acid, gently exfoliates all types of skin, decongests pores, hydrates skin, and helps improves the appearance of photodamage. - 

Chocolate Power Skin Rescue Peel - 50% lactic acid and the natural extracts of cocoa, resveratrol, and acai berry are combined to deliver superior refining, anti-aging, and skin restorative benefits. This unique formulation influences collagen and glycosaminoglycan production thereby improving skin hydration, elasticity, and tone.- 

Chemical peels generally fall into one of three categories: superficial, mild and deep. 

Each chemical peel will reach more layers of the skin depending on its strength. The type of peel that you select will depend on your skin tone as well as the skin concern you want to address.


  • Treat superficial lines and wrinkles
  • Improve the general appearance of the skin as well as skin tone
  • Address signs of sun damage
  • Improve the appearance of mild scars
  • Reduce the appearance of age spots


Chemical peels should be done every 4-6 weeks apart
If you decide on a superficial peel, your results can last anywhere from one to two months, which is why regular peels are necessary throughout the year if you want to maintain your results. Medium peels tend to last two to six months and deeper peels can last up to a year if not longer.



Depending on the type of peel that you chose, your skin may peel for several days. You may also experience some redness after your treatment but this will subside within a few hours and you will be able to return to work or your usual activities.

With any peel, your skin may start to peel 1-3 days after the peel and continue to peel for up to 5 more days; however, it is also possible your skin may not peel at all


During a chemical peel, most people feel a burning sensation that lasts about five to ten minutes, followed by a stinging sensation. Putting cool compresses on the skin may ease that stinging. More sensitive skin type clients may have a warm sensation on the skin during the first part of the treatment.


A chemical peel can cause various side effects, including:

  • Redness, scabbing and swelling. Normal healing from a chemical peel involves redness of the treated skin. After a medium or deep chemical peel, redness might last for a few months.
  • Scarring. Rarely, a chemical peel can cause scarring — typically on the lower part of the face. Antibiotics and steroid medications can be used to soften the appearance of these scars.
  • Changes in skin color. A chemical peel can cause treated skin to become darker than normal (hyperpigmentation) or lighter than normal (hypopigmentation). Hyperpigmentation is more common after superficial peels, while hypopigmentation is more common after a deep peel. These problems are more common in people with brown or black skin and can sometimes be permanent.
  • Infection. A chemical peel can lead to a bacterial, fungal or viral infection, such as a flare-up of the herpes virus — the virus that causes cold sores.
  • Heart, kidney or liver damage. A deep chemical peel uses carbolic acid (phenol), which can damage heart muscle and cause the heart to beat irregularly. Phenol can also harm the kidneys and liver. To limit exposure to phenol, a deep chemical peel is done a portion at a time, in 10- to 20-minute intervals.


  • To get the most from your chemical peel, we recommend incorporating a Retinoid into your home care regimen. However, you must stop use of these products (Retin A, Tri Retinol Complex, etc.) five days prior to the chemical peel.
  • Use a physical sunscreen with at least an SPF 30+ every day rain or shine for at least three weeks prior to the chemical peel.
  • STOP the use of any benzoyl peroxide product (Purity Gel Spot TX, Acne Lotion, etc.) or any other product that can cause dryness, redness or irritation three days prior to the chemical peel.
  • If prone to cold sores, a physician-dispensed prescription must be used two days before and dive days after the chemical peel.
  • A melanin-suppressing agent may be recommended depending on your skin type. You must follow the appropriate instructions on use of this product.
  • No facial waxing 1 week prior to chemical peel
  • No filler 4 week prior to chemical peel
  • No IPL or Laser Hair Removal 2 weeks prior to chemical peel
  • Botox can be done up to 1 day before a chemical peel
  • You may even wish to consider a Pre-Treatment product using a Tyrosinase Inhibitor as this can help prevent overproduction of pigment in the skin. Tyrosinase Inhibitors are not just useful for those who suffer from hyperpigmentation but for anyone, even those with healthy, even skin.


  • Try to stay out of the sun until your skin has healed, and always wear your sunscreen; apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 every morning
  • Avoid using makeup or other cosmetics until your practitioner gives you the go-ahead
  • You can use ice packs for 20 minutes at a time, or a cool fan, to help relieve discomfort at home
  • When cleansing, do not scrub - Use a gentle cleanser as directed by your practitioner
  • Do not peel, pick or scratch the treated area, as this may result in scarring
  • Apply polysporin, bacitracin or Vaseline to dry flaky areas or as directed by your practitioner
  • Do not have any other facial treatments for at least 2 weeks after your peel or until the skin is smooth and back to normal
  • If given a cortisone cream by your practitioner, please apply it 1-3 times per day to red irritated areas or as directed
  • Always wear your sunscreen; apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 every morning
  • Please do not use any products that contain AHA, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Mandelic Acid, and Retin-A or any acne medication until your skin is finished peeling (usually 7-10 days).

Regimen Guide:


  • Step 1. Cleanse skin with a gentle wash. It’s normal to feel some skin coming off during the peel, just be mindful not to force the skin off.  If skin feels very sensitive, you may apply a little Aquaphor to areas needed and/or apply 1% hydrocortisone before SPF moisturizer. 
  • Step 2. Hydrate skin with a simple day moisturizer with spf broad spectrum. Apply a generous amount to ensure the best protection. Travel with SPF if you plan on being outdoors to reapply. 


  • Step 1. Cleanse skin with a gentle cleanser.
  • Step 2. Apply a night moisturizer or 1% hydrocortisone before you moisturize. Use Aquaphor for cracks, pink and raw areas if needed. 

You may return back to your normal routine of active skincare and lifestyle 7-10 days after treatment.


  • Use of Accutane®, Retin-A®, or other medications that exfoliate or thin the skin within 6 months
  • Recent cosmetic surgery, laser resurfacing, deep or medium depth chemical peels or dermabrasion
  • Severe rosacea or acne
  • Easily scars or has hyper-pigmentation tendencies
  • Pregnancy – always consult with your obstetrician prior to receiving chemical peels
  • Breast-feeding
  • Sunburn or irritated skin
  • Open sores or lesions
  • Infectious disease
  • Active Herpes simplex
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Deficient immune system
  • Permanent cosmetics–wait 7 days then cover with occlusive barrier